When it comes to do it the right way, you should find yourself a team / development company that is not a club night for a living.
Here's how this works.
I think you've got your money together.
You are now ready to design. Your team will come up with design and create images that can be offered to private investors, owners and the city for approval. When it negotiated with the owner of the house, do not forget that you increase your property value, so he wants you there. Does not even pay the rent where you design, construction and inspection and is ready to sign a lease with the owner business.You but as I mentioned before your first payment will then be placed buildings.
You now go into the design architect, who plays an important role in the team. Will shift in the design drawings to the city will approve and issue construction permits. Here is one of the steps I have to say - the General Contractor. This is your most valuable players in the team. In a license to go to the project plans and permits and that will coordinate and manage the entire project. Will be faced with the inspectors and other professionals.
When you come to work with the city, and obtaining licenses and approvals and resolve problems that require a forwarder. He or she knows everyone in the Department of Building and can do things quickly. Time is always your friend, the fastest at the opening of business - fast during start earning money.
Other things such as: License liqueur and staff recruitment, marketing, advertising, and access to free alcoholic beverages to open (promotion) is something that will help you with your team, too.